Jiamin Li


Ph.D. in Computer Science

Email: jiaminli.icy [at] gmail.com


Linkedin, Google Scholar


I am a senior researcher at Microsoft Research Vancouver, working on AI infrastructure. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science in Feb 2024 and B.S. in Computer Science in 2019, both from City University of Hong Kong. My Ph.D. advisors are Prof. Cong Wang and Prof. Hong Xu. In 2023, I was a visiting researcher at The University of Texas at Austin, advised by Prof. Aditya Akella.

Research Topics

My current research interest lies in co-optimization of AI workloads and underlying hardware architecture.

My research interest of my Ph.D. study is Systems for Machine Learning, with a specific focus on the following topics:


Conference Proceedings


Research & Work Experience

Visiting Researcher @ UTNS, The University of Texas at Austin

Research Intern @ MLSys Team of AI Lab, ByteDance

Part-time Research Assistant @ NetX, City University of Hong Kong

Software Developer @ Group Human Resources, Jardine Matheson

Teaching Assistant

  • CS2311, Computer Programming: Sem A, 2022/2023, Sem A, 2019/2020

  • CS4296 & CS5296, Cloud Computing: Sem B, 2021/2022, Sem B, 2019/2020

  • CS4394 & CS5294, Information Security and Management: Sem A, 2021/2022

  • CS4293 & CS6290, Topics on Computer Security: Sem B, 2020/2021

  • CS5222, Computer Networks and Internets: Sem A, 2020/2021

  • Professional Services

  • Artifact Evaluation Committee: ACM SOSP 2023, MLSys 2023, ACM EuroSys 2023, ACM CoNEXT 2022, USENIX OSDI 2023, USENIX ATC 2023, ACM EuroSys 2024, USENIX FAST 2024

  • Technical Program Committee: NeurIPS 2024, IEEE IJCNN 2023

  • Reviewer: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

  • Misc

  • Student Travel Grant, USENIX ATC, 2023

  • ML and Systems Rising Stars, ML Commons, 2023

  • Research Activity Funds, City University of Hong Kong, 2023

  • Student Travel Grant, ACM EuroSys, 2023

  • Full Postgraduate Studentship, City University of Hong Kong, 2019-2024

  • Dean’s List (College of Engineering), City University of Hong Kong, 2015-2019